Owing to its bendability, with Aircom’s multilayer pipe you will be able to easily overcome or bypass obstacles in your compressed air pipings such as pillars or corners without needing to use elbows.
Quick and easy connection e.g. to droplegs, quick branch plugs, aluminium wall mount manifolds or working benches, etc.
No need of elbows to connect with the next fitting and highest safety in use.
Owing to the inner and outer bending springs and to the hydraulic bending gun, overcoming corners or create droplegs will be an easy and fast operation.
Diameter sizes available: 16 mm – 20 mm – 25 mm
Further information: https://www.aircomsystem.com/en/multilayer-pipe-for-compressed-air/
Download our brochure: http://urly.it/3fka4
Multilayer pipe for compressed air!